Our Oath of Service To God
We the members of Seed of Purpose Unmarried Ministry
do solemnly and humbly take this oath
as we commit our time and effort, and energies whole
heartily to this ministry.

We will walk cautiously in our associations.
We will work daily to find our wholeness in Christ Jesus,
through prayer and fasting.

We promise to strive to get a better understanding as to who we
are as unmarried saints and, to get a better understanding
of God's purpose for our lives. We will get and stay busy
using our singleness to evangelize the world.

We realize that as unmarried saints there will be much opposition
against us but we are reminded that our bodies are the
Temple of the Holy Ghost. We will keep our bodies holy and
accceptable unto God.

We will no longer allow Satan free run of
our minds. We will not dwell on our past hurts and
disappointments but we will continue to press on to our
future happiness in Christ Jesus. Knowing that as we
draw closer to Christ and wait on Him, then and only then
can we learn to live a celibate holy life in today's society.

To God BE The Glory!